→ 2005 → Party at Amy's, November 19, 2005Dinner, movie, and fun for no specific reason—which is, of course, the best reason to have a party.Let the party beginThe party starts, the fun hats come out, and people begin to groove (Amy in front, John in back).Melvin and Amy9273266694_65e920992a_kAmy and Melvin9273266208_01285807d1_kAmy and Melvin yet again9270479639_b20d6afc3b_kLoren blinks—what else is new?9273265256_c9dcb4e334_kAmy's still groovin'9270478647_53d928e97f_kSay what‽‽9273264268_c058e370a1_kJohn, Rosa, and Amy9270477671_294e3ddc03_kChin boo booAmy attempted a centipede maneuver on the floor and basically succeeded, but not without busting her chin.She's dyin'9273262684_166f6788a4_kOkay, so she's not dying—just fishing for sympathy!9273262264_bb6043085d_kpowered by Justified Image Grid