Et To?
For no awe-inspiring reason, I'm going to experiment with a Flickr set dedicated to dumb typos and grammatical goobers I find.

Turn around
C'mon, Steve, you should know better than this. It's ’06, not ‘06. Apostrophes always curve or lean to the right. An open single quote mark is not the same character as an apostrophe.

Typo On Flickr
Who'd have thought I'd find a mistake for my Typo Zone set right here on the Flickr web site?

Which manager?
From a T-Bell receipt.

Conference room culpa
Seen at a Panera Bread restaurant's conference room.

New upholstery material?
I've gotta check out this new "vynil" stuff. Sounds intriguing.

Apostrophe catastrophe
New service request’s what? Can a service request even possess anything?

Apostrophe catastrophe redux
Snapped off the TV during some Animal Planet show.

More apostrophe stupidity
Seen in the Kentucky State Fair.

Continued apostophe zaniness
...not to mention the fact that I've been successfully convinced the
proper word is till and not 'till. (This shot was taken from a index booklet of monthly art and stock photography I use. I'd have thought Liquid Library's designers would know better.)

CNN Home Page Typo
Right there on CNN's home page, the common "teh" for "the" mistake!
UPDATE: maybe it wasn't a mistake after all!

The missing letter is this sign's grade


Ashlyn is now at level 5!

Special (re)Medial Edition

Worst apostrophe catastrophe ever=EPIC FAIL
Just as I'm believing we may all just have to accept the fact that most people are never going to learn the difference between "its" and "it's," I see this insane flub!

I realize it's VERY hard to make out in this blurry photo, but a stray number 4 digit found it's way into the word, "the."

A "registered" typo

Finished before it began
Usually, the gripe is that an open quotation mark goes in front of something like, the '90s, when it's supposed to be a close single quotation mark. Maybe they company saved not only time, but money by not rendering out both types of double quotation marks.

Pppppttt! I'm giving the Rasberry a Raspberry.
So how is it someone manages to spell "vinaigrette" properly, but not "raspberry?"

Great job at minimum effort by Kane's Furniture TV commercial

So the woman endured storm damage and then the community bans her? What did they ban her from?

Watch for everyday mistakes every day

I have to say it again, watch for everyday mistakes every day

For the third time, watch for everyday mistakes EVERY DAY!!!

Choose carefully, this Taco Bell sells "Sweat Tea" and "Unsweat Tea"

Remember the "everyday" CVS sign? They updated and made a similar error again—TWICE!
Picture of original everyday/every day error is at flic.kr/p/aBDwWS

Rescque Me (from this idiotic typo)

Ever since Tim Allen's movies, too many people spell Santa Claus wrong
Typo on David Phelps' Christmas album.

I'd like to buy an E, Pat

I hope the sign maker doesn't use the same slogan as the lawn care company

Lori caught this typo on Music Choice over the weekend—maybe SCC is trying to rebrand himself

Oops, found a typo'd word in Draw Something

I think instead the person who typed up this sign is the king of the "idots"

Best typo of the day!

Are aunuals held annually?

Can you "here" me now?
Sign next to a cash register.

I guess that's how you spell "diesel" in Alabama

Punctuation is important—missing a crucial period!

I strongly doubt SFY closes at 10 or 11 at night only to re-open an hour or two later

…and conservatives who can't spell
Before someone says that this photo is blurry and that the letter "I" is jammed up against the letter "B," let me assure you that, seeing it with my own eyes, there was definitely no letter "I."

So according to NBC News, iOS 7 will work on any 2011 or later iPod except the most recent ones

At this Walgreens, you can get the flu, shingles, and pneumonia … oh and you can get shots, too

Stand by your principles and your punctuation choices

Somewhere there's a Subway PR designer who thinks it's okay to abbreviate and spell out words at the same time

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by these typos

Apparently in this building, pets, shoes, and a shirt are not required

’Tis the season for the army of backwards apostrophes

I'm a material witness to this "materiel" typo (seen on an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation)

Sign shop: “Do you want that with or without typos?” / Customer: “Without.”

I love relaxing piano “muisc” in the morning

That feeling when you were doing oh so well with your hand lettering, until… 😖

Well okay, just so long as the desire is not for a führer

Both Spectrum Music Choice and Pandora have kinda been off their spelling game lately

6lla de Flora
Cleaning out my photo roll and found this five-year-old sign with a typo I’d forgotten about—a mistake capital “I” at Orlando’s Gaylord Palms Resort.

Stay anchor_d… in school so you don’t commit spelling mistakes

I choose to avoid pork-based food, but apparently I know better than Subway marketing how to spell capicola

I suppose Pandora’s proofreader wasn’t paid in full

Hurricane Ian will not have “passed” in the “past” — that won’t happen until the future

I suppose I ought not expect properly curled apostrophes from anyone who embraces use of the term, ’Merica

Sign perhaps written by a toddler