My parents collected a lot of old photos to display during their 50th anniversary party, so I've absconded with several involving me for what will probably be the most throwiest of throwback Thursdays evar!
Newborn me 29542169995_6512b1aaf6_b
My first home I don't remember a thing about it, but I lived in this trailer until around age 2. But I definitely remember the old Impala.
I don't recognize the interior so this must be inside the trailer 29507877756_8c6e90d384_b
Absolutely no idea where this was 29542016215_e15cc8b350_b
Mowing the lawn Clearly I was older than two at this point since it's the back yard of the house we moved into. Ain't it awesome how no one in the early 1970s thought it was a problem to let a kid stand behind a running mower with no shoes or shirt?
My home from age 2 through adulthood, and my dad's old Chevelle 29542015955_aa654d945f_b
With my brother, I'm guessing driving somewhere in the Appalachians 28916984434_0b8925b92c_h
Me with my brother and two cousins 29507877606_b2ebb0df7b_h
Strange that I'm not fond of motorcycles today, considering I was clearly enjoying myself in this photo 29542015615_cab1d389e7_h
I think this may have been at my dad's parents' house in North Carolina 29542015535_c226ef5732_h
At my dad's parents' house in North Carolina 29542269515_a26cfe5135_h
Living room pose with that awesome wall paneling that went many years with no moulding 28916985364_7f31be8475_h
Boys will be boys 29542015315_87a42a9772_b
Getting ready for my high school graduation 28916984954_e378b0febe_k
Trip to the Grand Canyon 29542015045_e4dbb11dd1_k
College graduation 28916984174_bec23a0a5e_k