→ 2007 → iPhone Unboxing, July 1, 2007My activation wasn't immediate, but it fortunately was less than 24 hours.The Unboxing BeginsYes, I succumbed. It was either buy one now, or spend every day wondering whether or not I should until I finally did.Hello World684871268_ef380adcde_cThe Rest of the Family684874266_34d3a7d7c9_cGetting Close684013107_849aaef7e7_c10.4.10!!!WAAAHHHH!! I haven't upgraded yet. I'm on iTunes 7.3 but not OS X 10.4.10 yet. And I can't upgrade for a very long time because my new laptop is just under halfway through a 7-pass security format of my old laptop in preparation to sell it. 🙁 /me cries. -1.powered by Justified Image Grid