Just some random shiz in my car one evening.

IDE and SATA to USB adapter
This thing is the best 20 bucks I've spent in a good long while. (Well, it was on sale for $20—normally $25.) It's a kit that allows any IDE or SATA hard drive—3.5" or 2.5"—to be connected via USB without a cumbersome enclosure. This is perfect for drives that contain data that isn't used often and the drive is boxed up in storage. For the rare times when the data is needed, rather than deal with the gyrations of mounting it in an enclosure, I simply attach the adapter and power cable. Voila!

Pineapple-flavored soda from Pollo Tropical restaurant. Yummy! I may have found my new addiction. Oh, and if you order it for yourself, don't pronounce it JOO-pih-nah or the Spanish-speaking workers will look at you funny. It's pronounced hoo-PEEN-yah.

Aging Technology
I have a cabinet in my office filled with this crap. That's an old 44MB SyQuest drive with SCSI interface, and a buttload of cartridges stacked around it. Even my Iomega Zip drive and cartridges have been relegated to this penalty box. Once I passed the point where I had more photos in a press publication than would fit on a 100MB Zip disk, I just started burning CDs to deliver to press.

Danger, Will Robinson!
I saw these signs in someone's department at my office, and all I could think of was, "Danger, Will Robinson! Danger, danger!"

739 free songs
If you’ve got broadband, a couple hours to let bittorrent do its thing, and no fear of about 3.1 gigabytes, there’s no real reason to not download these songs. I just randomly played about six tracks, really loved five of them and didn’t exactly dislike the sixth. There’s good stuff in here, such as Closer by Melissa Ferrick. There’s also a pretty awesome instrumental by the Lemurians called Sanctis Vicus.

I've lived in Orlando nearly 15 years and only just recently, finally, went to my first Magic game. Thanks, Chris. (Yes, they won.)

The throne
This was funny—I removed the plastic cover from the ceiling that blocks off the skylight so I could clean it. No, it wasn't THAT dirty, but the frosted nature of it cuts out a lot of the light. When I walked out of my bathroom and looked back, the "throne" was brightly lit, in all its glory, inside of my otherwise normally dark bathroom. The cover I removed was just the lower portion. There's a shaft leading up through the attic attached to the actual skylight at the top of the roof, some 8-9 feet up from my bathroom ceiling.
Maybe I should leave it this way!

Punishment for forgetfulness
The gal working the register at Fazoli's didn't bring her name badge with her, so the store made her wear this. She was so embarassed!

Jobs that suck
Easter bunnies advertising monthly apartment rates. How pathetic can one get?

Nu Shooz
It's amazing how much footwear you can get for $45 when it's accompanied by $105 worth of gift cards! :-p

Philippe Park, Safety Harbor, March 31, 2007
Just found this old photo by its lonesome, not in any album. Since I was just spending time with the family for Thanksgiving, seemed apropos to post it here now. It was just a lazy Saturday afternoon. I was enjoying relaxing too much to take many photos, but I had gone back to the car to get something and saw everyone in a row by the water when I came back. Clearly I couldn't resist the shot.

Someone pointed me to this on the web. Can't properly credit it coz any other variation of the URL turns up a 404.

Teensy Geocache
Tiny little bugger.

No Swimming or Boating
Aww, man, but I so wanted to swim in the dried up pond! No fair!!!

I got mine...
...how about you?

Internet outages suck.
C'mon little green light. Shine!

Rat's Nest
Yeah. That's the ethernet switch/router/firewall room at my office. Yeah, those are ethernet cables haphazardly running three feet around behind the patch panel to a board on the back wall. YIKES!

Mac90s Response
I post because Brent did and I respond.

Better health from him?
Somehow, this isn't the face of someone I'd trust for advice on better health.

One Less Payment
Yippee. I'm finally free and clear of my college loan!

I can has balloonz nao?
Birthday balloons

At last—a plan for REALLY keeping my laptop backed up
For now, partitioned in half for two backup sets. But this size drive will rock for OS X 10.5's Time Machine. BTW, $119 from Amazon! w00t!

It finally came
Stands to reason, the day I started really griping about how it's been twice as long as the estimate on expedited service that I paid for, it's in my mailbox the same day!

10 Years of Florida Focus PDFs
The new issue was posted today, and I realized that it marked the 10th anniversary of publishing Florida Focus as PDF files on our web site. It's currently in its 23rd year of print publication, but it was second quarter of 1997 that I posted the first issue online as a PDF. Look how much it's changed!

Things We Carry
My contribution to the Flickr pool. See notes for identification. Not pictured are the occasional additions to this batch--a Leatherman multi-purpose tool and a mini Maglite and pouch, both worn on the belt.

Dad caught a snake in his yard

Had a blowout
Never seen a tire blow out in this kind of pattern before. Very weird. In any case, nearing 50,000 miles, probably about time for all my tires to get replaced.

Ashlyn can do a pretty good handstand
Only 8 years old.

Neat idea for school reading class
This photo was on display at the Kentucky State Fair's photo exhibition. Not surprisingly, it earned no awards, but I want to show the idea to several friends and acquaintances who are elementary teachers.

Fried bologna? Must be a Kentucky thing.
Seen on a gas station pump.

I walked past this GORGEOUS Porche Carrera GT while leaving a Cracker Barrel restaurant. My only question is, who drives a Porche Carrera GT to Cracker Barrel?

My car rolled over 50,000 miles while returning home from Tampa last night.

Want a free big-screen?
There are some truly brainless people out there. Never mind the question of whether or not the television worked (and I'm sure it didn't—it had just been rained on an hour prior to this photo), since when does a big-screen television fit the "clothes and shoes" category for donations? For the record, people leave the stupidest stuff here all the time, but this one definitely wins the prize.

Mom and aunt (twin sister) on the back porch

Fire in the sky
The sunset was actually 90 degrees to the right, but the light on the cloudtops off to the south was amazing.

Latest software acquisition
I don't hate Windows. I wouldn't have installed XP under Boot Camp on my MacBook Pro if I did. However, I'd always told myself that I wouldn't get Parallels (or this VMWare Fusion that I later learned about) because I didn't want to make it convenient to get to Windows. Alas, convenience has triumphed over principles. I use the Windows side just often enough that I no longer want to have to completely reboot to switch platforms.

Too bad I'm not particularly fond of Buca di Beppo
I forgot I had these. They expire September 30 (Sunday) and are only good for the Maitland location. If you live nearby and want these, chime in.

Tales from the waiting room

Replacing brake pads
My dad had all the tools needed. I just bought the parts. Bless him.

Brake pads—before and after
Top: old worn pad. Bottom: brand new quality ceramic pad.

Hmm, more upgrades
Yay! I can finally run Final Cut Pro on my MacBook Pro.

Giving nature a helping hand
Found on the campus of Rollins College.

Tripped-out art
Found at the Mennello Museum of American Art.

An additional category of iTunes file types?
I'm a little perplexed—there is tiny bit of a slightly darker blue shade in between the indicators for Audio and Video. What is that?

Leopard has landed
Finally got my copy. Let's see how long it is before I make time to
install it.

Brother's new luggable

Brother's new luggable

It's beyond standing room only in here.

Marriott Hotel in Myrtle Beach, SC
This was the site of annual meeting I attend.

My room at the Marriott
This was, without question, the most comfortable bed in which I have ever slept. The room itself was unremarkable, but loved the bed.

My view from the Marriott
Too bad it was a little too cold to make use of the porch. I really couldn't see the beach from this room, either.

Two Days Worth of Work
I realize it doesn't look like much, but this image shows a Final Cut Pro project I've been working on all day Monday and Tuesday, and let me assure you that it wasn't a simple task. What this timeline *doesn't* show are the hordes of motion keyframes that reorient a dozen different graphical elements around the screen throughout the entire video—about 3:45 in length.
But I digress. I love working in Final Cut Pro. Just wish my own skills could live up to the "Pro" part of the name!

Someone's clearly a race fan
Saw this Christmas decoration in Altamonte.

Snow (man) tires
Seen in Franklin, NC

In memory of my grandma

Big Al
One of the characters in Disney World's Country Bear Jamboree.

Balloon head
Just my brother being silly

Claire bear and the reindeer
My niece is such a cutie-pie.

3,000 tweets
Does this mean I'm no longer a fledgling tweeter?

Tea time
It's Cascade Mint, and it's yummy.

Preparation for shooting a custom "graph" for a finance article
Trust me...not as simple as you might think. The hard part is the Photoshop work that is to follow. No, I do not have a miniature prop-shooting kit that would make this a LOT easier.