→ 2013 → Memorial Day Weekend Family Visit, May 26, 2013Food, family, friends, and fun for the holiday weekend.Mario Kart Wii, Memorial Day Weekend Edition8845320424_55d07d3bed_hMEAT8845622545_0efee6ff34_kLunch is served8846268624_55499a4de6_kHungry family8846295532_ce54438f2a_kPost-picnic Mario Kart8846795298_d1bd845d0e_kUno Attack, featuring two panorama pilfering pipsqueak peopleFor the record, after everyone was given a directive to hold still, Kent and LuCinda both intentionally cocked their heads at the precise moment to screw up the capture. Twerps. đŸ™‚powered by Justified Image Grid