First weekend: date night for Lori and me to see holiday shows and decorations at SeaWorld.
Second weekend: return visit, this time with Lori's two daughters in tow.
Shivering in the penguin room 11165637975_b477e51984_b
Plenty of penguins 11165821123_c53f52c88c_h
Christmas lights at SeaPort Market 11165822883_838f062975_k
Enjoying Shamu's Christmas Miracles show 11165644215_076b4131fa_b
Merry Christmas from Lori, Meg, and Adri 11261056466_d5400361e8_k
O Wondrous Night: The Greatest Story Never Told 11262019724_49bfc46956_k
Shamu jumps high This is my best single shot of all the whale jumps from Shamu's Christmas Miracles.
Orca Flip (view Flickr comments to see animation) I shot one of the whale flips with the iPhone 5s burst mode and turned all 21 frames into a GIF animation. Flickr won't show the animation in the regular viewer, but it's possible to link the original animation in a comment which is available on the Flickr page for this photo.
Winter Wonderland On Ice Splendid ice skating show at SeaWorld's Bayside Stadium.