→ 2003 → Holy Land Experience, October 17, 2003An abbreviated excursion to Orlando's Holy Land Experience. This is, by no means, an exhaustive set of exhibit photos.Tomb of JesusAlbeit an inaccurate depiction, this was probably the most photogenic part of the attraction. Too bad it was overcast, otherwise the colors would have been much more vibrant.Solomon's TempleNext, we sat in on a dramatic performance in front of Solomon's Temple. It was a pretty good show but most definitely not very historical, as you'll see in the next few photos.Jewish dance8486519600_3b133e02c6_hCleansing before entering the temple8486519422_615aae958e_hCross pulled from the altar8485427879_d705c5026b_hSolomon's Temple8486518988_8dbf28600a_hDramatic, but not historical8486518522_b0a863f6dc_hDefinitely dramatic, but not historical8485426333_75cd832327_hOld Jerusalem modelAt 45x25 feet, this is one of the largest models of old Jerusalem, circa A.D. 66. The only thing that makes it not the most accurate model is that many (not all, such as the temple) of the structures are much larger scale so they are more visible to spectators. It would be more realistic if anywhere from 5 to 10 dwellings were placed in the same space as just one in this model. This view is most of the Lower City.Herod's Palace within the Upper City8485425839_c05238ee7c_hNorth side of Old JerusalemFrom the north side of the city looking toward the second North Wall and Solomon's Temple beyond.The Great TempleUpper City is in the background.BezethaThe north side of the city (Bezetha). The traditional location of Jesus' tomb is near the center of the photo.Street performersAs we were leaving, a group of performers were heard in the market street. Mark Bond (a musician in his own right) chose to borrow a tambourine and join in.powered by Justified Image Grid