Top-sliced hot dog buns! Why haven't they always been cut this way?

Cello case garden

That moment you feel guilty because you need to get up, but you have two pets out cold on your lap

Today I taught my nephew that cars drive on the right side of the road

I'd still like to shave those numbers down a bit more, but this is MUCH better than several months ago (and ignore that idiotically high reference scale)


I realize we are just crude guys, but we do like a little privacy sometimes

Traps at the office appear to be working

Folks, it really isn't a difficult concept to only handle discs by the edges

Cute little rehabilitated owl at SeaWorld

I'm normally not a big fan of photo filters, but I loved what Flickr's Noir filter did to this tree

This girl #stopgrowingup

The region in which I live, controlled burns are simply a recurring part of life

Hey Alton Brown, contender for world's worst unitasker?

Viewed from outside on the roof, the elevated skylight sections of my office look like squat, half burrowed little huts

Then…and now

Office selfie with Retina iMac FaceTime camera

Could've cut this morning's fog with a knife

Cloud life

Xerox monster
My commercial press recently acquired this behemoth beast of a digital press which is wicked fast and can even do a varnish coating that makes the final product look like it was printed on glossy paper. It's so big, they had to take out a wall to occupy the length of one room and several feet into another. (See where the carpet stops?)

Fully operational production iMac
There's still some cable management cleanup to do, and the old Mac Pro is nearby in case there's something still on it that I forgot to transfer, but the new Retina iMac is officially ready for production work. In fact, it'll jump right away into the deep end tomorrow as I begin layout on the program booklet for our annual Camp Meeting convocation.

Math teacher's parking spot

I really despise Sweetwater (non)rush hour

Last night's moon was fierce

Current status
Years since I've watched this cheesy show, but I love it. Especially this 2-part episode, Knight of the Juggernaut, where KITT gained Super Pursuit Mode and the C button (kudos to you if you know what the button did)—widely regarded as Knight Rider's "jump the shark" episode.

I'm a little disappointed in Taco Bell's new Diablo sauce
Diablo sauce is only marginally spicier than Fire sauce and its heat apparently comes from various spices and/or natural flavors instead of from peppers.

Silverware art in Uno's

Church social with themed birthday tables for all 12 months

All 12 themed birthday tables in one panorama

This was my office today

Spent this afternoon shooting promo photos of food items for our deli

Lori's birthday cake 2.0

*pant* *pant* *pant* *wheeze* *sweat* *heatwave* Ugh! (First official day of summer)

Bear sighting this evening

In light of today's SCOTUS decision, seeing this in a Goodwill store kind of amused me

Go home, Facebook face-detection algorithm—you're drunk

Picked up a hitchhiker while out on errands

"We need a card designed—just slap a big pile of robot barf on it"

LOL I know it's hard to see, but in the left side of this driveway is a Do Not Enter sign—on the right, Enter Only

One wound—four stitches

Of the nearly 200 photos I snapped last night, I think this is my favorite

Never mind that Taco Bell ignored the modifications I ordered, what's with the ingredient segregation?

Actually, the way I always customize my Taco Bell chicken burritos, I'd wager I could not, in fact, have ordered on my phone

Thanks to the family for the day-early anniversary shindig

Splendid anniversary date night in the form of a Sara Evans concert and dinner afterward

Well there's some horses of a different color

This is holy bread

Heaven help me, I've decided to switch to Unity mode

Feeling crafty (it's a dragonfly—yes, I made it)

Horses out, flags up—it has to be time for Camp Kulaqua's Rip-roarin' Rodeo

Experiences like this are why I am a life-long Apple customer
Wife's iPhone 5c battery began failing to stay charged for long, and soon exhibited visible swelling which warped the screen face and caused the home button to rarely work. It was long out of warranty, but Apple replaced it under its quality assurance program since it was a safety issue—didn't cost me a penny!
Consider this photo Day 252½ of my 365 Days of Happy project!

Well that was…unexpected—thanks AT&T (I wonder what spawned this since I have NEVER gone over minute limits before)

Hey lookie there, gas prices have fallen below $2 again

Honing my omelette-making skills

Original iPad and iPad Air 2—just…wow
And no, the original iPad is not propped up on anything. If you remember, the curved backside actually did make the center of the device this thick.

Awww, *sniff* — Lester's barn (and house) is no more

Ribbit ribbit

It's here! It's here! It's here!

Those who used the JavaScript bookmark hack for new tabs instead of iOS Safari's icon will be glad for this
Although I keep a few tab pages open in iOS Safari, 99% of the time when I open Safari I want a new/blank page. There was a JavaScript command you can bookmark to the home screen and use instead of the actual Safari app to always open a new tab, but it left a boring white icon instead of the usual Safari icon. Now, with 3D Touch on the iPhone 6s, I can have the regular Safari app back in the dock and use 3D Touch to display this menu and select a new page. Yes, it's and extra tap, but it's not a hack, avoids using JavaScript, and lets me enjoy having the real Safari icon visible.

Sometimes I wish the accent lighting that gets set up at my church for special events was there all the time

Someone tell these girls to stop getting so tall!

Happy family

Yay—case ::: Boo—charging dock
First things first, I'm very pleased with this Spigen case I ordered for my iPhone 6s. Feels great and love how it smooths over the power and volume buttons. The kickstand is chintzy, but I didn't buy the case for that feature. It might come in handy once in a while but I don't expect to use it often.
On the other hand, this order also included a charging dock that I *thought* I had read would work with most any case as long as the case wasn't too thick (this one isn't). Sadly, it doesn't fit. Reading the description more carefully, it seems it will fit if the bottom of the case is wide open. This one is not—rather there's just a cutout for the Lightning connector and headphone jack (visible in this photo at bottom of case). So the dock gets sent back to Amazon—not their fault, so I eat the shipping. 🙁 Live and learn.
P.S. - no, unlike before, I'm not going with a Mophie battery case. Now that I'm on AT&T's Next plan that will swap out my phone every year, I don't want to spend money on a new case to fit it each time. So I'm planning on Mophie's Power Reserve 2x that I should be able to toss in a tote bag and use for a quick charge when needed.

Wow, I've not been inside one of these in æons!

No. *I* am your father. Search your feelings, you *know* it to be true!

Two people braved the COLD spring water in November to be baptized

So this brand-new teenager got one extra birthday celebration a week after the fact

Moon tonight was ridiculous

Duck down! (Presented exactly as found—undisturbed—during this evening's walk)

Validation of my decision to buy the less expensive 32GB Apple TV 4 instead of the 64GB version
Put it this way: I've downloaded 51 apps as of this writing. Only 5 are bigger than 100MB (there's a 200MB limit on any app—anything more has to be downloaded from within the launched app). I know purchased movies are huge and might be stored on the device, but I almost never buy digital movies. When I do, I buy them in iTunes on my computer, so they are stored there instead and streamed to my Apple TV.
So yeah, I genuinely don't see myself filling up 32GB any time soon.

Tree detail

I officially have my wardrobe for finally seeing The Force Awakens some time next week

Oh the childhood memories of this spoon that got scraped in the bottom of the dishwasher
I used to HATE this spoon when I was growing up. Although I know probability surely dictated otherwise, it seemed like the utensil always got placed at my table setting. The scraped portion (caused by falling down into the spinning post at the bottom of the dishwasher) feels super weird in your mouth when you take a bite of food with it.
But those are childhood memories. Today, I love this spoon because of my childhood experience with it—especially since it once again ended up at my place setting tonight.