Behind the scenes

I haven't sat in the director's seat in quite a long time—feels good

They didn't mess around with lighting and atmospheric effects

Special guests Osman Araya, the 6th worker rescued from the Chilean mine accident, and Pastor Carlos Parra who served as chaplain to the families (with the small Bibles sent down the supply hole to give to the miners)

Making stories from Taco Bell sauce packets is a thing, right?

Surprise birthday party (there are a LOT of people in this house!)

Finally repaired after 5½ weeks since reporting it

Jinkies, the water bottles passed out in today's meeting were absolutely filled to the lip!

LOL wut‽

The contractors who installed my office's storage cages must've thought the light bulbs never burn out

I DO understand the concept of "assortment," but shouldn't all three varieties be represented by at least one piece?

How not to wrap A/V cables
Here's a pro tip to save both you and me a lot of time. If something like this (or worse, wrapping around your forearm between your palm and elbow) is a depiction of how you wrap audio and video cables, just do us both a favor and don't wrap it at all. Just leave it as it was so that I can wrap it properly when I collect my gear. Or even better, study this video and learn how to properly wrap A/V cables. www.youtube.com/watch?v=-74OEVUOKOw

Teehee, I sure hope so—I might have AWESOME news to share in just a few weeks

Selfie Sunday at the skating rink (sorry, day late in posting)

Fun with the MSQRD app

My former Southern Union colleague, Licci, came to visit and tour our office

Psychedelic wall lighting at Garibaldi's

*Really* yummy salsa at Garibaldi's

Congrats, SpaceX, on tonight's successful Falcon 9 launch

Wonderful concert by the Heritage Singers
Several clips available at youtu.be/R8QfnWAxsKU

Mason built a thing

The Angebilt
The Angebilt began life as Orlando's premier hotel in 1923. Today, this historic landmark building in the heart of downtown Orlando is used for office space with two restaurants on the ground floor.
Significant to me because, on the 5th floor, I just today signed closing papers on my former residence—a condo with an excruciatingly upside down mortgage that I moved out of in 2010. Its short sale was approved earlier this year and it's now officially off my hands!
Pretty neat history write-up on the Angebilt here: orlandoretro.com/2013/03/30/angebilt-hotel/

After a couple months out of commission, my favorite decompression chamber is on the road again!

It carried me and my family almost 200,000 miles, but its time had come to be replaced by an engine half its age

Getting it done

First full day owning an Apple Watch and I completed all three activity rings
I realize 410 calories is rather unambitious, but it was the default, and seemed like a good place to start. I fear I won't complete all three rings every day, but I wanted to find out what it would take to do so.

Apple Watch activity tracking fosters major feelings of accountability—I don't want to go a day without filling all three rings

I made my bed, and now I'm going to lie on it

The Great 2016 Easter Egg Hunt

Amazing to watch Alejandro "Revel Artist" Ruiz last weekend

Real men aren't afraid to use a stepdaughter's Barbie bowl for a midnight snack

Well-organized press production makes me happy

Go home Dark Sky weather complication, you're drunk

Well it's definitely not competing with Chattanooga, but a free 20d/2u ⇢ 50d/6u boost ain't bad—thanks, Bright House

Workout Experiment
Heretofore, I've more or less done walking exercise toward the end of the day to finish out however many active minutes, active calories, and steps I needed in order to complete all activity rings.
Since, much to my chagrin, I seem to be morphing into a morning person, today I started an experiment to exercise in the morning instead of the evening. Since I've observed I generally reach close to half my calorie goal when I get home from work, I'm aiming for about ⅔ of my goal for the morning workout. Naturally, if I haven't quite completed my rings when I get home from work, I'll move just a little bit more to finish them, but my hunch is I'll rarely have to do that—perhaps more likely on weekends.
I'm not enjoying getting up at 6am, but I actually do feel better now that I'm at the office. Oh and I also discovered something important: I *must* make sure I take my glucose reading when I first get up. Today, because I was curious, I took a reading both when I got out of bed and a little after my exercise, and the number was nearly 25 points higher. I guess exercise stirs up your blood sugar, creating a higher reading.
One other side effect: since my exercise is mostly always a brisk treadmill walk, my wife won't feel annoyed by the sound it makes since she's still asleep instead of hearing me use it in the evening. 🙂

Meta selfie — Happy Mothers’ day to my wife and mother-in-law

Family portrait for Mothers’ Day

Dear Dairy Queen, is this really how you want to illustrate fudge-filled Blizzards, especially following a Miralax commercial?

Two-year-old Maddox drove the Tomorrowland Speedway last week

"Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?"

Well, good morning to you, too, Mr. Cardinal

Pretty awesome Cave Quest VBS stage decor at the church

Looks like we had some wildlife visit overnight

My parents' neighborhood isn't quite as conducive for my morning walk as my neighborhood, but it sure is prettier!

Last night with the bro

2,500 each of two different booklets (one nearly 100 pages) ready for tomorrow's mail-out party

More than 1,000 copies of a letter, a 24-page booklet, and a 96-page booklet—all packaged and ready to mail out in less than three hours. WHEW!
"Many hands make light work." In case anyone was trying to reach me this morning—I was kinda busy. 😀

Never before would I have believed I would someday own a vehicle for the entirety of its 200,000 miles
Full disclosure, however, not long ago the engine was replaced with one that only has a bit more than 100,000 miles on it.


Someone in my neighborhood might've taken things a bit far last weekend

The local resident bird of prey watched over me from his lamp post perch beneath a third-quarter moon during my walk this morning

You know you're a Florida native when a sight like this doesn't freak you out
(to the tune of Home on the Range)
Liv-ing near the space coast
Where the rockets and the missiles blast away,
And often is heard
a "Go for Launch" word,
And the skies smell of rocket fuel all day

Thumbuddies (autocorrect wanted to change that to thumb issues)

Apparently marsupials carry a lot of money in their pouches. Who knew?

My (rented) ride for the week while I figure out what to do about my dead Vibe—2017 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport

Hahaha, I love the Star Trek-themed reaction icons Facebook is using for the 50th anniversary

I did some preliminary vehicle shopping today, but sadly this Ferrari wasn't a consideration

Snagged a kind-of-big-deal activity badge tonight—first time >1,000 active calories

iPhone 7 Unboxing
No, I'm not really concerned about the loss of the 3.5mm audio jack. I have used Apple's earbuds for a long time, so I have no trouble using the Lightning connector instead of 3.5mm. As for piping music to an external source, I essentially always do that with my iPad rather than my iPhone, or with my old 5G iPod.

Souvenir Kellogg's Corn Flakes boxes from the 150th anniversary program celebrating Adventist Health

Funny Kellogg's corn flakes jingle segment from the Adventist health 150th anniversary program

Grandmas who love their grandkids take time to be shown things on their iPhones

It's been a good little car for 13 years, but its era has reached an end—final resting place before scrap

As evidenced by a little extra sun today, I'm definitely a watch-wearer once again—thanks, Apple

Only in America is there an official Department of Redundancy Department

Guess where I'm spending a few nights 🙂

Passed 30,000 steps and 12 miles today, blowing well past my previous record of 23,192

When I leave Epcot at night, I pretty much always capture some variant of this photo

Such a fun day with my sweetie

Still seeing strong gusts, but things seem to have fared well in North Apopka—power has remained on
PS - video is double speed.

In case you couldn't guess on last week's photo where I arranged to spend a few nights

Welcome to my vantage point for the next few hours

Rolled over 200K on the Honda this evening

Target seems to have a distorted definition of "lower than advertised"

There comes a point when quantity completely obliterates quality

Ellen White *was* ordained!
Quote from the White Estate web site:
"From 1871 until her death in 1915, Ellen White was issued ministerial credentials. From 1871 to 1887 she was credentialed by the Michigan Conference, and from 1884 until her death, she was credentialed as a General Conference Minister. On one of the credentials (1885), the word "ordained" is struck through. (In the 1888 Yearbook she was also listed among the California Ministers.) Throughout the years, her name was listed along with ordained ministers rather than licentiates, although her biographical information sheet and the testimony of her family indicates that she did not receive ordination at the hands of church officials."

Toy Story came out 21 years ago, and Buzz & Woody are *still* in danger of getting left behind!

Maddox is official and has a license plate to prove it

Greetings from church retreat at Camp Kulaqua

Passed a family of deer during my morning walk

I could get used to morning walks here

The view from my resort room this week did not suck

Awww, my parents drove over from Tampa to join us for supper last night

Michael English performing for annual Florida Hospital Thanksgiving program

Natalie Grant at Florida Hospital's annual Thanksgiving program

Thanksgiving 5K

Happy Thanksgiving from our crazy family to yours

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas…at my church

My office's reception desk has been cast as the set of a café counter for Sunday night's Christmas program (printing a large background banner was my idea)

Merry Christmas—Altamonte Mall style

Love the old camera display

Lori and Lisa's kids are dreaming of a white Christmas

Yummy Blaze Pizza—and I appreciate they did not make the "everyday" mistake 🙂

Can we talk for just a second about how ecstatic I am for this Christmas gift?
My former vacuum cleaner was 20+ years old!

First time I've ever experienced La-Z-Boy-style reclining seats in a theater—I could get used to this!

See, Ross, it IS possible to not make the "everyday" mistake—as HomeGoods proves

I'm not saying I'll never again reach this achievement, but I am saying it will probably be a very long time before I do!
And BTW, ignore that 40 cal elliptical listing. Turns out I don't like ellipticals all that much! LOL

Anyone have a clue what H-E-double hockey sticks this thing is?

Oh the long list of stores I could name that need a spot like this

Any collectors looking for an antique (likely nonfunctional) Brownie?