I and my cacophony of neighbors are pleased to announce calendar 2020 has officially been blown to bits—thus begins the countdown to January 20 when we can truly celebrate 2021

Grits and fried eggs, seasoned with black pepper and pink Himalayan salt—both freshly ground, of course! YUM

If a white cat crosses the path, does it cancel out a black cat previously crossing the path?

Florida snowfall anniversary
Newspaper coverage of Florida’s only snowfall back in 1977.

When a video doorbell timelapse recording makes the overnight setting moon look like a fireball/meteor descending upon your neighbor’s house.

Seven floors up in Lake Ivanhoe district looking toward AdventHealth Orlando and beyond

Woohoo—congrats, Bucs!

May as well be brain surgery
Techs have been trying to re-integrate a tri-fold module into this copier that was removed 5+ years ago and added to a different copier, and now needs to go back into this one. But this machine won’t talk to it any more and the techs are all stumped. Best theory is an obscure cable got damaged in the last transfer, which means they have to trace all of them to find it.
At least the copier still works when the module is removed, and it’s not mission critical to have it installed. So I’m glad to be able to allow the time the techs need to thoroughly troubleshoot.

WWII bomb in Exeter
On Sunday, February 28, after evacuating more than 2,600 homes and various university buildings, authorities of Exeter, England, detonated a 2,200lb (1,000kg) World War II-era bomb found in an undeveloped plot of land on the edge of the university campus.
Turns out, in July 2009, while visiting the region, I was briefly in a car park less than 700 feet away from the yet-to-be-discovered bomb. At another point during the visit, I spent a couple hours approximately 1,560 feet away inside and around the grounds of Reed Hall while waiting for someone to attend meetings.
More info here or countless Google search results: www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-devon-56250008

Family meetup

Perfect timing

Beach day

Parmesan-crusted baked chicken and boiled yellow baby potatoes—nom nom
Last time I made this chicken was five years ago. It tasted great but appearance was unappealing. I know what I did wrong then and didn’t repeat the mistake this time. Deelish!

A triumphant and delicious return to Central Florida, extra special because Lori, Meg, and Adri all could come too—we made the excursion to Clermont to partake of Fazoli’s!
Super extra special because our table number was 17 which has significant meaning to Lori and me.

Visited by a beautiful pileated woodpecker as I was leaving the office for lunch today

Got my inner Nerf War on today during my nephew’s 7th birthday party (photos by Lori)

Besides enjoying the vastly improved remote of the 6th generation Apple TV, I no longer have to switch to Samsung TV apps to watch 4K UHD, and the 4th generation box will be relocated upstairs

Some played…some observed…all fun for continued celebration of Maddox’ 7th birthday

Celebrating Meg’s dual high school/college AA graduation

Celebrating Meg's graduation—three minutes of relevant clips made from the two-hour livestream

Tajín takeaway
So—Blaze Pizza had a promotion recently where customers could collect a free mini bottle of Tajín seasoning (chili pepper flake with lime flavoring). I was interested in trying it, but I seldom get all the way over to Winter Park, the closest location to my work.
Generally when I get over that way, it's to pick up a paper order for the print shop. The Mac Paper outlet is not far from Blaze Pizza. Since I had to make a pickup today, and I had a discount coupon, I decided on Blaze for lunch.
I totally assumed the promotion was long since over. When I realized a manager was at the pickup counter handing out online orders, I asked him about it.
Apparently the mini bottles weren’t moving as fast as he would've liked, and the stores get some sort of credit for the number of bottles they give away. He was about to hand me a bottle from a small bag, then changed his mind and just handed me the whole bag! There were eight bottles inside (gave three to my coworker).

So…that just happened—finally cool again after a week without

Ever wonder how you get custom-sized pieces printed multiple-up on a large sheet with ink bleeding to the edge?

In case you ever wondered what my LEAST favorite task is at my job

I truly do not regard myself as a graphic artist, but I wanted something unique for today’s patriotism, so I came up with this using an Apple Pencil and Linea App; happy Independence Day!
Oh bother, yes, I’m fully aware of the blue star field is supposed to extend down two more stripes. Oh well.

Thankfully no appreciable damage, but you can imagine the fear when I came home yesterday to find this—and Elsa hasn’t really even arrived yet!

My nights this week #MyTreasuredVBS

I’ve been honing my digital menu board design skills—consolidated to 2-column layout which opened up a LOT of space for more content including a new photo carousel

Bought a humidifier to ease wife’s Covid-induced congestion—seems to be doing its job!

That moment when both pets know mommy isn’t feeling well, set aside their differences, and cuddle to give their care

Double whammy error
My employer uses a system where workers earn health points to qualify for lower costs for insurance. Among the point-earning tools is seeing two health tip cards every day. This one not only misspelled “Matrix,” but also uses a photo that doesn’t even depict the 2×2 grid being described!

A list of good reasons to come here is very short, but at least the place is photogenic

Waiting in the weather

Today is my office’s annual clean up/clean out day—sadly, I didn’t get a “before” picture, but happy to have finally eliminated all the clutter that had accumulated on my main production work table

Revel Artist painting in Altamonte Mall
Came across this painting in the center of Altamonte mall today. I have been at a few events that arranged to have RevelArtist.com as a guest and watched him live in action. Amazing talent.

iPhone 13 Pro in da house!

My younger stepdaughter made a latte—she’s not especially fond of coffee, but enjoys the process of making things in the kitchen

Sharps and flats

I love Moe’s, and I love Chipotle, but Qdoba is just *chef’s kiss* (opinion authenticated by virtue of having eaten at all three this week)

Wood damage
I’m starting to love the iPhone 13 Pro macro feature. Might be a lot of these in the future. This shot is the busted end of my wooden paper jogger that accidentally caught the blade of the hydraulic bulk cutter. (If you want to see what the jogger tool is for, see this video: flic.kr/p/2m8uj1x )

Sprinkle of Spook Concert
Of the 10 selections in this Apopka High School Orchestra concert, the first three were performed by the Primo Orchestra which included Adri and her first time performing on cello.

Two of the awesomest stepkids you’ll find anywhere

We created a Mandalorian battle scene on top of my nephew’s birthday cake

For Halloween supper, my stepdaughter made Mummy Meatloaf
For the record, I generally enjoy meatloaf, and hers was really good. Who knew cayenne pepper works REALLY well in meatloaf! Oh, the bandages were cut from puff pastry sheets and the eyes were green olives.

The recyclable aftermath of trimming bleed from more than 500 booklets

Seems like it’s been a long while since I’ve seen a thick foggy morning

Random birthday celebration—just because
So apparently my stepdaughter found this musician named Clem Turner she likes and found out he turns 20 this month. Just for no real reason, she made her own version of a Carvel-style ice cream cake in celebration. (The cake was good.)

Hangin’ out up on the shelf while the kiddos slice some ice

This year’s Thanksgiving table

Thanksgiving dinner isn’t over till the pumpkin pie comes out

Obligatory Thanksgiving family photo

Bear encounter
Around 11:30pm, I opened my front door to take my dog out to do her business and immediately saw this big fella sitting on the sidewalk just several yards away. Then a car went by and he got up and trotted away.

Lucky mileage

Mead Gardens scenery

Anhinga at Mead Gardens

Mead Gardens scenery

Apparently Karl the Fog was visiting Florida again today

Caution resulted in 21 months of online worship services—happy to be at the church once again

Christmas gift from the church—choice of dark, milk, or white chocolate-covered pretzel sticks

Merry Christmas from the Bennett/Bixby/Luck households

Happy 2nd Christmas

#LeavesForDays #StraightOuttaMyYard