Tell me you can hear this photo—Happy New Year

It’s unboxing day!

Had the opportunity to hold an original 1st generation iPhone for the first time in probably more than 10 years—wow I forgot how small they were!

I cracked our last five eggs to scramble for Lori and Adri; the last one was a twin—something I’ve never before encountered with eggs!

This looks familiar; maybe I should switch lanes

It was SMOL!
Oh goodness, I found my old iPhone 3G and it still works! Granted it was last used by my wife after I got the iPhone 4, but such memories! It was SO TINY!

When your ceiling tile installer doesn’t math out the geometry quite right and has to cut a nickel-sized piece of tile to fill a hole!

Yes, as a matter of fact I do take milk in my tea, Earl Grey, hot!

A rare moment of peace, harmony, and tranquility

At last joining the ranks of Ollie solidarity

Congrats, SpaceX team

If someone ever tells you the print industry doesn’t require math, they are LYING
You will win MAJOR kudos if you can decipher what I was doing here.

Mom, she’s laying in my space again!

Human, stay


Canoers on the peaceful Santa Fe River
Playing with iOS Cinematic mode with a handheld attempt at faking a crane move shot.
This video was shot in HDR. If you are using an HDR-compatible viewer, the YouTube copy looks vastly better: https://youtu.be/OC8H1XPINFw

We really know how to party at WholeLife Church Retreat
This video was shot in HDR. If you are using an HDR-compatible viewer, the YouTube copy looks vastly better: youtu.be/ZeS32RkC2eY

WLC SNL Host Stevie pays the consequences of losing the game
I smell a rigged game—Stevie was always the one who'd lose his hair.
This video was shot in HDR. If you are using an HDR-compatible viewer, the YouTube copy looks vastly better: youtu.be/zE1FkJTie2U

Managing ProPresenter for a Women’s Ministries One-day Retreat

Anybody remember doing this? (I miss FireWire Target Disk Mode)

Have blanket, will lay on it

Odometer fun

Very possibly the heaviest hail I’ve ever personally encountered.

New cat furniture—a chewed up tag on the uppermost ledge seems sufficient proof Sophia likes climbing on it and we won’t need to return it

30-year recognition
Today, in addition to the expected 30-year pin and certificate, it was a surprise that 30 years was the threshold at which they also handed out fancy little glass awards. Yay me!

On ProPresenter duty again—this time, Forest Lake Academy graduation weekend

New office toy—HP DesignJet XL 3600 MFP

Visited mom and her parents today


Wrapping up a celebration day for four July birthdays (plus two more in absentia)

21-year-old relic still boots up!
Sorry, at the time this photo was snapped, I had no idea if the G4 tower barely visible still boots.

Sabbath morning bliss with a sofa full of blankets and fur-babies

Sunday snooze session

Photos simply had no prayer of depicting just how insanely vibrant a shade of chartreuse adorned this car

Trimming the "fat"
Butchers may be skilled at trimming fat from meat—I am skilled at trimming excess laminate from hundreds of cards.

Ever since I landed on what I deem perfect steps for cooking them, baked potatoes have become a delicious frequent occurrence—sometimes accompanied by yummy chili with beans

Camera obscura
I discovered a rudimentary camera obscura at my office. The round holes in a metal shelf focus the rectangular light fixtures in the ceiling onto the paper boxes below.

I’ve known of the brushing scam phenomenon, but this is my first direct encounter
A brushing scam is when spammy Amazon Marketplace vendors pay for positive reviews, but a literal shipment has to be made which consist of cheap junky products. Two such very strange items came to my office—a pair of moist towelette packages and, inexplicably, a single blank crack-and-peel address label!

Long overdue arborcide
Five-minute interval snapshots from my doorbell camera showing significant lifting and thinning of my front yard trees and removing the trunk of a deceased palm.

Downtown Community 2.0—acoustic edition

Admittedly it’s been a minute since I’ve seen my blood sugar that low!
Very surprised this morning to see a glucose reading less than half what I’ve been at each morning lately. I’m okay now—I had some bread and peanut butter and four hours later it’s at 115. Yes, I’m watching this carefully.

Perfect visualization why I never plan to use hotel banquet hall sound systems

A/V duty today for annual retired worker luncheon

In spite of being really tired after working A/V most of the day, I had to take my new mower out for a maiden trial voyage

So very happy my booklet finisher is repaired and operating again

Crudest possible version of a pinhole camera, but I can officially say I glimpsed today’s eclipse

It was suggested maybe my hand was causing the shape of the eclipse, so my wife found a card and punched a hole in it—still works!

iPad history: 2010–2023
Having finally located the last missing device, I now have a family photo of all five iPads I've ever owned. All of them except the original 1st-generation model still power up, thought I can't speak to how long the battery will last on the older models.
I have details of each on a web page—scroll down to iPad history: albj.net/about/computer-history/
No, at the time of this writing, I don't have immediate plans/need to upgrade.

Update to a classic
The Bic four-color ballpoint pen was the dream school supply for every ’70s and ’80s kid. If you had one, you were cool. Yes, I had one. And now I have this one, thanks to my employer’s health insurance provider.

Full moon through the trees
I’ve assumed for a long time the trees behind my house were fully dense. So it was a little disorienting last night taking the dog outside and seeing the moon blaring low on the horizon through a gap in the foliage.

How on earth is this nephew of mine already a teenager‽ Happy 13th birthday, Mason!

The monthly FPM project
Both of my production copiers running full-tilt for approximately four hours to produce more than 2,000 20-page booklets. Recorded with an iPhone 15 Pro Max in Cinematic mode, 4K, 24fps, and edited in iMovie with Comic Cool effect applied.

Our Thanksgiving meal contributions are ready: potatoes shredded for casserole, eggs boiled and peeled to become deviled, and cans of cranberry sauce to crack open—en route to Tampa soon

My late mother once guessed she probably prepared more than 100 turkeys in her life; this is the first my dad made after watching her do them year after year, and it looks perfect!

Deviled egg prep is complete

My part is done—now my wife decorates

Tree tracks

At just shy of two years old, Sophia is still very much in the kitten-like “run away to play” phase—but once in a while she is willing to give cuddles

Time or technical difficulty?
Totally not realizing the time, I glanced at my DVR box and thought it was having some sort of meltdown.

Cuddle buddies

My father-in-law is in zero danger of losing awards for his master leaf-blowing skills, but I did tolerably well for my first go—and gratitude to him for loaning the blower

Dad got owned!
With zero intent to disparage women-owned business (rock on), you have to admit a certain amusement over a Dad’s™ brand root beer product labeled as such!

Recipe for yum
1 hard-cooked egg. 1 spoonful dollop of mayonnaise. Smash both well in a bowl with a fork. Spread on your favorite soft bread slice. Liberally sprinkle with smoked paprika. Add a topper bread slice if desired.

My little package of Airheads™ Bites are masquerading as the Flickr logo

Happy Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

It’s becoming my speciality to provide deviled eggs for my family’s special meals

Lil’ Miss Hard-to-Get is slowly warming up to me more and more each day—currently curled up next to me in the sofa in a blanket, having a cat nap