My father-in-law is rather awesome!

Irksome for OCD-types
Why? Just why? Pray tell why couldn't the numbers for the large and small burners be made the same with "LO" at the 6 o'clock position? This is off-centered. Other dials on my oven have a number at the bottom, so it wasn't a space issue. Maybe they tried to communicate that "LO" only uses the small inner burner. That could've been solved by extending the line on the small side further to include "LO." Argh!

Chloe eats for another month
Every month, I get two boxes (60 cans) of our dog's favorite food. She gets a can in the morning and another at night. Every time Amazon delivers, I tell her, "Hooray, Chloe gets to eat for another month!" and she dutifully gets excited!

Sophia discovers a toy

It's the time of year I get to park at my office next to these lovely azaleas

Ingredient intrigue
Bai Puna Coconut Pineapple is among 2–3 top contenders for my favorite beverage. However I'm having cognitive dissonance over "coconut water concentrate" as one of the ingredients.
If something is listed as "concentrate," it basically means the water was removed (dehydrated). If you remove water from coconut water, aren't you just left with…coconut?

*cough* *cough* *hack* *gag* #pollen

Why yes, as a matter of fact, I did vote—three weeks ago!

Busy, but fun, day switching cameras and running graphics for today’s FIRST Inspires robotics tournament—don’t recall ever before managing content filling all eight primary switcher inputs: 5 cameras and 3 different computers!

A sticky note that was actually helpful for once
Sticky notes aren't generally my thing. I normally only stock 12×18 size of this paper. Ended up with some little-used 11×17 a couple years ago and have been trying to find a job suitable to use it up and get it off my shelf. Today, this sticky note did its job and reminded me the 11×17 was perfect for some flyers I was about to run on 12×18 size, and used up almost all of what I was trying to get rid of.

GUYS! IT’S TRUE—these caps really do open a lot wider than you think!

13 years and I’ve only just noticed this: I would never describe the shape of ice that comes out of my refrigerator (which does look like the icon) as “cubed”

Hmm, upgrades
My aging, Intel-based, battery-failing laptop for ProPresenter just wasn’t viable any more. Borrowed an M1 MacBook Pro from the PR office for a few months until I could finally obtain my new M3 laptop. Transfer went flawlessly. In spite of the 2+ estimated hours showing on the screens, it actually only took less than 40 minutes.

It's monthly Florida Prison Ministries newsletter time again

I’m more than just a little annoyed that one of the keycaps on my barely one-year-old Mac Studio somehow has gotten scraped up

Special mustard delivery
My dad is kind of a nut, and I love him for it.
Yesterday morning, I shared a photo showing a jar of Braswell’s hot horseradish mustard I picked up during a 2015 trip to Savannah, GA, reminiscing on how REALLY good it was.
Shortly after noon, my dad texts me to be on the lookout for an Amazon box the next day—a surprise, just because.
The box arrived this afternoon and this was what he sent! ❤️

Time again for robotics tournament video support

GUYS—why didn’t any of you ever tell me repeatedly tapping the crop button in iOS photos will toggle the fixed ratio crop options instead of reaching for the icon at the top of the screen‽

So very cool getting to share meals with our friends Luis and Marisol at Camp Meeting

Felt a little like being with our own church family having some of the WholeLife praise team as this year’s Camp Meeting musicians

Kitty kuddles
In quite rare form, this little cutie-patootie hopped on the couch and curled up next to me completely unpersuaded before deciding being under the blanket was even better—all while our little dog Chloe slept unseen deep under the other side of the blanket pile.

Round 3 of video support for FIRST Inspires robotic tournament

I’m seemingly developing a low-key addiction to preparing and keeping hard-cooked eggs available in the fridge as often as possible

What the‽‽…it’s only early May!!

Not sure whether to be impressed or concerned about fiber optic internet line installers keeping at their job even during a heavy downpour!

Today I found a HUUUGE tumbler at Walmart that literally holds right at the minimum amount of fluids I drink daily—didn’t buy it

Blast from the past—Commodore VIC-20
Good heavens, I completely forgot I still had this. My first computer from maybe grade 8 or 9. A teacher had advised my mom this machine would last me for years. Upgraded to a C=64 probably within a year and a C=128 before I finished high school! Alas, I can’t try powering it up. Power supply is missing. Check out that 16K RAM expansion cartridge! Not megabytes—KILObytes!

Fathers’ Day Lunch

The dog days of cat naps
Processed with Focos

Operation Earn-Little-Miss-Hard-To-Get’s-Trust seems to be progressing along pretty well

My coworkers seldom miss an opportunity to gather for a mini social celebration

These days I endeavor to avoid candy like this, but a small pack of one of my favorites is always a welcome birthday treat

REALLY glad we weren’t traveling the opposite direction—several miles of parking lot due to traffic being diverted off the interstate (unsure if construction or crash)

The perils of very humid and very warm Florida mornings combined with a penchant for driving to work with the AC running pretty strong

Clearly where I’m staying is a long way from offering AirPlay for Hotels
Kind of a janky setup, but it works. iPad Pro with a USB-C hub attached. The hub has a power cable, HDMI cable, and a USB mouse attached. In the usual iPad screen mirroring mode over HDMI, I couldn’t fill the external display. Had to set up extended display which required a mouse access the second display and click the option to fill the screen.

Tired: The relationship between a pencil and a cassette tape — Wired: The relationship between this Apple Watch notification and a healthy pair of newborn lungs

Neither of us work directly with the men’s ministry department, but a coworker and I unexpectedly realized we both wore our ministry logo shirts today.

Fiber internet upgrade who dis‽

Pro tip: if slicing your hand is unavoidable, try to have it happen on a callus so it doesn't bleed at all

10 11 12

I love to see it!
No regrets dumping Spectrum 300/10mbps for AT&T Fiber 500mbps. Awesome ping rate too! And I just now successfully logged into the modem and turned off the WiFi radio since I use my own router. Don’t need to be broadcasting the extra WiFi signal.

Friday night sweetness

Upgrade day!
The obsolete and end-of-life black-ink-only Océ varioPRINT 110 that formerly lived against the left wall has been disassembled and will be hauled off for recycling. The Canon C810 that was on the right wall was detached from the booklet trimmer yesterday and moved to the left wall. It will be revived into operation later today. A new Canon V1000 is also arriving today to go on the right wall with the booklet trimmer attachment added. Super excited for the increased productivity of being able to run two color jobs simultaneously.

Toner refill procrastination level: EXPERT
I genuinely can’t remember the last time I replaced toner packs in my desktop laser printer. I don’t think I’ve done it since before moving to the print shop seven years ago. All four indicators have blinked low toner all these years. But for the lightweight invoices I print, it remained adequate until only this week.

Saturday family lunch gatherings are the best

Introducing my print shop’s new hotness—a Canon imagePRESS V1000
There’s still a bit of configuration before it’s fully operational (can’t use the booklet trimming finisher yet) which now won’t be till next week due to Hurricane Milton storm shutdowns, but I’ve already been running nonbooklet jobs. It just screams up to 101 impressions per minute. The older C810, now my secondary copier, was only 80 IPM.

Hero or dummy?
I’d love to tell you an epic story of how I heroically avoided all except one large piece of falling debris while rescuing someone trapped outside in the storm—but no, I just stupidly hit my head on a low tree branch trying to pass under it with the lawnmower earlier this week.

Found Sophia sleeping under a blanket with just her cute little toes sticking out

Alignment hijinks
Print shop pro tip: you generally *never* want to pre-impose your job. Always best to give the shop a PDF of one item per page and let us do the imposition.
With apologies to the customer who did this, it wasn't caught before printing, and there's simply zero time available to correct and re-print.

Big party
Someone in the neighborhood is having a major shindig. It’s after midnight and there are at least two dozen cars parked along the street. Thankfully not being excessively loud.

A trusty pair of needle nose pliers is sometimes just what’s needed when a small shred of paper wedged between rollers has brought your multi-hour print job to a screeching halt

10 20 30 odometer number nerd

Old-school VHS capture through a DVCAM deck
All connected to my laptop via a FireWire 400 mini to standard cable, FW400 to FW800 adapter, FW800 to Thunderbolt 2 adapter, and finally a Thunderbolt 2 to Thunderbolt 3/USB-C adapter. Hooray that QuickTime still recognizes the signal.

Schmidt Auditorium looking quite different than what I remember 35+ years ago (Alumni Weekend 2024)

Political aftermath
When your office is the voting location for a county precinct, and you are your office’s representative liaison to the poll workers on Election Day, the day after is the part they don’t tell you about.

It’s time for the annual WholeLife Church Barn Party

M4 Mac mini unboxing
It is very very smol!

Parking pattern
Apparently I’m easily amused.

5G iPod nostalgia
Oh don't mind me, I'm just over here having some nostalgia playing with my resurrected fifth-generation iPod. Playing Mahjong on a click wheel is frustratingly tedious, but the music and sound effects are beautiful.

Caught up
It won't last long, but it's definitely been a minute since my mailbox for pending print jobs was empty!

AirPlay features have become very good
Note to self: before spending time Googling terribly out-of-date posts that say AirPlay can only mirror sound from audio-only Apple TV apps when you want to mirror sound from a video that’s playing, skip the Googling and just try it—it works!

My job is done—happy Thanksgiving!

Happy to receive gift tickets for tonight’s Orlando Magic game with seats in the Legends Suite

Great food included in the Kia Center’s Legends Suite

Grateful to my dad who I visited today for a brake pad replacement